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Meet Kelli, the Intrapreneur

In·tra·pre·neur (noun): the flip side of an entrepreneur, this is an individual who shares the motivation and drive of an entrepreneur but works for someone else’s business.

As an intrapreneur, Kelli enjoys the freedom to innovate and advocate from within without being confined to the boundaries of a traditional employee. Kelli is a life-long learner and innovator who spent most of her life working in healthcare and education with two driving ambitions—her career and her family. As most can appreciate, that’s a delicate balancing act that Kelli adapted well for her unique situation.

She was always career-driven, respected by leadership, and poised to climb the ladder fast. But that’s not always possible, and in her case, the family needed to come first and did for many years. Although she put her career on hold to raise a wonderful family, she went back to college when the nest was empty to complete her undergraduate degree and went on to earn her MBA while still working full time.

Today, Kelli provides an insider’s view of how executive decisions impact or influence ambitious career-minded professionals within companies. Over the years, Kelli observed the complexities of the business world and developed a greater understanding of how intrapreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can distinguish themselves and drive valuable change from within. She runs a consulting firm that provides hand-picked expertise to tackle challenging business problems or projects.

What’s fun for Kelli? Cooking, being a certified gym rat, mentoring young people, and shopping for shoes (don’t judge).