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March 29, 2021

Welcome to the "My Job Here Is Done" Trailer

Thank you and your awesome ears for taking a quick two minutes to listen to the trailer on what we hope will become your new favorite career success propelling podcast.

Hi - We're Dave and Kelli and both of us are excited to introduce you to the podcast My Job Here Is Done™.

Our podcast is all about career success through entertaining storytelling. Our stories are all about people who grew their careers from watching others make good ... or incredibly bad decisions. As your hosts, we often have contrasting views due to our different career paths, but we both are driven, ambitious, and committed to success which makes for lively, fun, and informative listening.  

Many of our stories come first-hand from Dave's decades of experience starting and running businesses, including his journey of taking one of his companies public. Kelli, on the other hand, clawed her way through a quagmire of career politics while raising a family and then earning her MBA after her kids went off to college themselves. 

So, if you are an intrapreneur, that ambitious employee looking to advance your career, or an entrepreneur who is growing their own company and you're not quite in the "1 percent club" - My Job Here Is Done is for you!

The content is not like classroom teaching or showing the “steps", it’s about provoking A-HA and WTF moments; those new ideas where you can almost see that light bulb flip on over your head. 

VERY IMPORTANT MUST-READ NOTE: This podcast does not have Kumbaya moments. There will be no hugging, hand-holding or everyone deserves a trophy stuff -- we keep it real. The fact is we succeed only if you grab a pearl of wisdom or a solid idea that you or someone you know can use during each episode. When that happens - and it will - then My Job Here Is Done!


Dave: [00:00:00] Is this thing on? 

Kelli: [00:00:02] I think so 

Dave: [00:00:03] we have to do a trailer. 

Kelli: [00:00:04] Well, should we talk about if this is a good idea or not? 

Dave: [00:00:08] No this is a horrible idea, but we'll find out later how horrible it possibly could be. 

Kelli: [00:00:12] Why is it a horrible idea? 

Dave: [00:00:14] It's actually not because if you really think about it, we're starting a new venture with the podcast.

Kelli: [00:00:20] Right. 

Dave: [00:00:20] And what's not entrepreneurial about that?

Kelli: [00:00:23] Correct. 

Dave: [00:00:24] If I had to listen to everybody who said to me, why are you doing X, Y, or Z? I would be doing nothing...

Kelli: [00:00:33] right!

Dave: [00:00:34] So we're doing this podcast because 

Kelli: [00:00:37] we have lots of stories to tell. We have lots of experiences from our entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial side.

Dave: [00:00:45] Intrapreneurial that's not a word. 

Kelli: [00:00:47] It is a word. 

Dave: [00:00:48] It's not a word. No, I'm serious. I'm going to Google it right now. 

Kelli: [00:00:53] So an intrapreneur an intrepreneur is someone who is like an entrepreneur, but works for somebody else. Has that same motivated mindset. 

Dave: [00:01:04] Let's do it. 

Kelli: [00:01:05] Let's do it. 

Dave: [00:01:07] Hi, I'm Dave 

Kelli: [00:01:08] and I'm Kelli

Dave: [00:01:09] and this is

Announcer: [00:01:10] My job here is done. 

Kelli: [00:01:13] If you really want that next promotion or you're a rising star entrepreneur, we have some stories to tell that will absolutely help you. 

Dave: [00:01:22] I've been starting and running businesses all my life. 

Kelli: [00:01:25] And I've worked for the man, like a dog for decades 

Dave: [00:01:29] together. We'll share stories, ideas, and notions that will help you absolutely soar past that cruiser sitting next to you.

Kelli: [00:01:37] And if you're grinding forward with your growing business, we know where the landmines are. Let's find them. 

Dave: [00:01:43] Hey, it's only about 20 minutes. What do you have to lose? Nothing! 

Kelli: [00:01:48] or Everything

Dave: [00:01:53] Boy do Kelli and I have stories and we'd love to tell you all about them and guess what? We're going to guarantee that you love them.

Kelli: [00:02:00] How are you going to guarantee that 

Dave: [00:02:01] you're going to be a problem, aren’t ya?